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Do HydroStar’s products, The HydroDrive, the HydroSol 50 and the HydroPod require specialist manufacturing skills?"No! From the outset one of our first thoughts was to make sure that our products could be replicated anywhere in the world without having to draw on specialist skills. With that in mind we endeavoured to use only two construction materials, recycled HDPE for the casing and 304 stainless steel for the HydroCharger (our electrolyser) and we succeeded. This has had a positive knock on effect in areas such as maintenance and service requirements, as no high-level specialised knowledge is required and all parts are readily available locally, wherever you are in the world! So while every other known supplier needs very high skill levels for manufacture, maintenance and service, an even higher level of training and specialist knowledge, Hydrostar have designed their products to be the absolute opposite of this position! Manufacture can be undertaken by skilled and trained semiskilled labour. If a product is to be used at a remote location, an agricultural location, a region with a lower skilled population, not only can the training needed be completed in a couple of days, the technology is easy to understand and easy to maintain. The product is designed to be serviced and maintained in remote locations, by locals.
Will HydroStar EU provide direct and indirect long-term skilled jobs?Yes! One of HydroStar's mantras is "A company's product line is only as good as its after sales service!" That high quality service base is built from local people, with local knowledge, who are trained onsite to a highly competent level with access to 24/7 online backup if needed. Outside of the company there is an ongoing need for skilled welders, recycled plastic moulding manufacturers and fittings suppliers. We also have a policy to set-up a yearly contract with a local electrical contracting company and a pipe fitting company, for initial install, safety checks and routine monthly checks. Yes, our intention is two-fold, (1) To have manufacturing skill requirement at a level where labour can be used as opposed to high tech robotics (2) To have the ability to localise manufacturing into areas where a government might see the need to increase employment in a certain region.
What ratio of jobs to product sales do HydroStar forecast?The size of our dedicated local service team is based on the coverage the client requires and the number of units installed. Additionally, most of the jobs will be in manufacturing, eventually the throughput would be the workforce equivalent of say a Steel Mill, Admin, Finance, Operations, Management, CAD, Purchasing, etc . Additional high tech roles will be created in the science and technology teams and work packages will be assigned to Universities, plus a huge role for Green Technology Internships.
Who are HydroStar’s suppliers?Hydrostar’s technology is unique, in as much as it is created specifically to allow a customer to have choice. Choices being cheapest, national, or local. We do not need specialist items, which are dependant on delivery from the USA, China, or anywhere else. These products are designed to remove the risk of a product not being able to be serviced or repaired due to unforeseen circumstances.
Can Local suppliers fullfil HydroStar’s component needs?Yes. Hydrostar only works with local suppliers to uphold local product sustainability.
Who do HydroStar partner with?We are always looking for people who truly want to see the world change for the better, visionaries, who share a set of realistic goals. - Support local supply chain providers of related products and services - Supports other local H2 related product manufacturers for product development and testing
How does HydroStar’s technolgy compare to others in the Hydrogen market?A chart here... - Lower workforce skill base required compared to other competitive technologies to manufacture, install and field support - Reduces import requirements (skills, manufacturing resources and outputs) This technology has technological differences, lower pressure, and lower gas purity without additional measures (97-99% pure as opposed to 99.9999%), however our efficiency is as good as all of the main competition if not better. We believe the advantages far outweigh these small differences. Add to that the fact that our units require a far lower workforce skill base at all levels and a no import policy, as all components are made locally, then I think you see we have all the angles covered.
What percentage of components/materials used by HydroStar are recycled?- Potential large consumer of locally recycled plastics and steel A complicated and controversial question, a better one might be what is the total “end to end” environmental footprint of the product? (1) We use no rare materials (2) We use no uncommon materials (3) Our products are made from recycled materials, and the components at the end of its lifecycle are designed to be recycled. What we can say in answer to the question is our entire staff are dedicated not just to green energy, but to developing products that are also super green. Recycled 100%, but also with a super low environmental footprint.
How portable are the HydroPods?Anywhere that a shipping container can be dropped, we can install a system! - Simple to transport and commission with standard logistics infrastructure - Robust technology suitable for less controlled environments such as offshore generation, remote site generation.
What warranty do HydroStar’s products carry?- Local entity warranties and support Normal legal warranties, however we will scope any project to be high availability. We can provide 3MW of capability for the cost of 2.5MW cost of our competition; this additional capacity gives a client a buffer zone of reduced risk of loss of Hydrogen delivery.
What part do HydroStar play in assisting Agricultural development?- Provides onsite/local production abilities for Agriculture and Logistics operations - Supporting technology for local fertiliser production for agricultural reducing reliance on OS supply chains and currency fluctuations We are totally 100% convinced that Green Hydrogen will play a huge role in farms of the future and Hydrostar will be part of that future. Small scale Electricity, Hydrogen and chemical production from renewable energy is our dream. We are looking for partners in all areas of Agricultural development, biofuels, vertical farming, Green Ammonia, Green Hydrogen Peroxide, augmented environments for livestock, etc.
Can HydroStar deliver Hydrogen on demand?Yes! We enable low cost, large scale local production of Hydrogen for local consumption markets reducing logistics CO2 and traffic.
What end products, other than Hydrogen, can HydroStar’s technology produce?"Oxygen, and then use the Hydrogen and Oxygen to create additional chemicals such as Green Ammonia, Green Hydrogen Peroxide, etc - Enables low cost export of Hydrogen and derivative products, supporting export market growth and competitiveness.
How does HydroStar encourage the early adoption of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles?- Supports local adoption of HFCV (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle) and BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) fleets A dilemma is caused by scale; a service station with $6M USD worth of equipment to create Green Hydrogen supply is financially unviable without at least 20 vehicles filling up each day. We believe we can create a truly scalable solution. Only one of our directors has a Hydrogen vehicle, this is because he is in a location, where there is a hydrogen filling station already operating in his neighbourhood. Our cost effective solutions can enable H2 filling stations to be more abundant than otherwise thought.
Have the products (HydroSol 50kW and the HydroPod) been tested in different working environments?- Designed and tested to work in Australian conditions – Robust technology? - Materials used etc Testing is ongoing in Canberra. However a more important question might be “Are the products designed for use in Australia” To this question we can answer 100% these products are being designed by Australians, for use by Australians, and in all conditions including remote locations and difficult situations.
What effect does the HydroDrive (an onboard Hydrogen Energy Cell) have on Carbon Emmisions and MPG?- Mobile units suitable for onboard vehicle H2 production reducing legacy ICE vehicle emissions and increasing fuel efficiency The Hydrodrive reduces emissions by improving the combustion process, by improving the combustion process there are efficiency benefits usually seen as improved MPG.
Tel: +61 (2) 6100 3939 | Skype: HydroStar-AP
Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Experts in Hydrogen production,
working across 4 continents with
solutions that are the answer to
green sustainability.
Affiliated with:
- HydroSol50
- 1MW HydroPods
- HydroCharger™ Electrolyser
- HydroDRIVE™
AU - Mitchell, ACT, Canberra
UK - Exeter
CN - Block F, Beijing
US - Portland, Oregon
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